Monitoring of VoIP and Video applications

Each application and VoIP/video codec can be tracked individually to determine its usage and performance on each site:

  • Application (passive measurements): throughput (average and max), frame size (max, distribution…), average response time (with network time and server time decomposition), response time distribution (10 sec. measurements), number of sessions…
  • VoIP (passive measurements): throughput (average and max), frame size (max, distribution…), MOS-CQ and MOS-LQ (average and min), MOS distribution (10 sec. measurements), technical indicators (latency, jitter, losses), number of communications…
  • Video (passive measurements): throughput (average and max), frame size (max, distribution…), technical indicators (latency, jitter, losses), number of communications…

As for the network indicators, the access to this information is done by clicking directly on the concerned rule in the tree structure, or in a synthetic way at the site level, and real time curves updated every 10 seconds can be launched on any application, VoIP or video indicator.