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Load balancing / Hybrid network / SDWAN

When two paths are available between sites equipped with StreamGroomers or not, WAN load balancing can be activated to manage the bandwidth of redundant access links in an optimized way.

Various load-balancing modes are available, such as per session or per application. The availability of each link is monitored by an active probe, enabling bandwidth management mechanisms to be adapted automatically, and, if necessary, to take advantage of a "no load" policy. QoS backup.


Quality of Service (QoS) is the ability to convey a given type of traffic under good conditions, in terms of availability, throughput, transmission times, jitter and packet loss rate.

What's more, the Streamcore solution complements the load-sharing solutions implemented by ISPs. Through advanced DSCP classification and marking (at level 7), it is able to control the allocation of applications to the various access links. In addition, monitoring and control functions will enable :

  • Visibility and tracking of applications for each access point
  • Guaranteed performance of critical business applications and VoIP/Video via QoS engines
  • Automatic traffic failover and backup QoS policy in the event of access loss
  • Optimized bandwidth through compression/caching mechanisms

Deployment of virtual images on StreamGroomers installed on remote sites is carried out by script, and can therefore be managed by a global provisioning tool enabling creation of the virtual machine as well as the necessary environment elements (IP addresses, firewall rules, etc.).