Product & Deployment
StreamGroomer management
Smart Service Tree
Solution Module
Safety Management
Performance monitoring / Reporting / Proactivity
Smart Netflow Export
Customized web portals
Automated PDF reports
Statistics collection and storage
Dynamic performance mapping
Real-time monitoring
Troubleshooting tools
Monitoring VoIP and Video applications
Network Monitoring
Action & Optimization
Load balancing / Hybrid network / SDWAN
Monitoring VoIP and Video Applications
Each VoIP/video application and codec can be tracked individually to determine usage and performance at each site:
- Application (passive measurements): throughput (average and max), frame size (max, distribution...), average response time (with network time and server time decomposition), response time distribution (measurements over 10 sec.), number of sessions...
- VoIP (passive measurements): throughput (average and max), frame size (max, distribution...), MOS-CQ and MOS-LQ (average and min), MOS distribution (measurements over 10 sec.), technical indicators (latency, jitter, losses), number of communications...
- Video (passive measurements): throughput (average and maximum), frame size (maximum, distribution, etc.), technical indicators (latency, jitter, losses), number of communications, etc.

As with network indicators, this information is accessed simply by clicking directly on the relevant rule in the tree structure, or synthetically at site level, and real-time curves updated every 10 seconds can be launched on any application, VoIP or video indicator.