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Network Monitoring

The metrics available in network rules allow you to monitor WAN performance in real time:

Access link :

  • Passive measurements: throughput (average and max), utilization rate (distribution of measurements over 10 sec.), frame size (max, distribution)
  • Active measurement (probe): availability, A/R delay

Site-to-site traffic :

  • Passive measurements: average and max throughput, frame size (max, distribution)
  • Active measurements (probe): availability, A/R delay, jitter, loss rate

These indicators can be accessed simply by clicking directly on the relevant rule in the tree structure, or synthetically at site level. In addition, real-time curves updated every 10 seconds can be launched on any indicator.

It is possible to reproduce the classification of applications in the WAN operator's CoS classes of service, in order to obtain the following information:

  • Bandwidth distribution between classes of service
  • Throughput for each class of service and distribution between applications within each class.