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NDR AI what is it?

Our Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution integrated with artificial intelligence (AI) modules is designed to enhance the user experience and strengthen the security of your network. Using advanced AI technologies, this solution can analyze large amounts of data in real time, detect anomalies and potential threats, and react quickly to neutralize them. This proactive approach ensures effective and efficient protection of your network infrastructure.


How does it work?

The NDR solution uses AI algorithms to continuously monitor network and application activity. It identifies abnormal behavior and potential threats, triggering alerts and automatic responses to minimize impact. AI modules are seamlessly integrated into your existing infrastructure, enhancing auditing and troubleshooting tools for application and network issues. What's more, the service is hosted in the cloud, offering optimum scalability and accessibility.


By integrating AI modules into your network management tools, you benefit from faster, more accurate threat detection and response. This not only improves the security of your infrastructure, but also enhances the user experience by reducing downtime and optimizing application performance. The cloud solution ensures continuous availability and regular feature updates, guaranteeing that your system remains at the cutting edge of technology.

Our advantages

Proactive Threat Detection

Identify and neutralize threats before they affect your network.

Automated Incident Response

Reacts instantly to threats with automatic actions, minimizing impact.

Continuous Improvement through Machine Learning

AI systems are constantly improving, increasing precision and efficiency.


Scalable Cloud Service

Offers rapid scalability and constant accessibility, with regular updates.

Streamcore NDR technology

Real-time anomaly detection

Continuous Monitoring: Use advanced AI algorithms to continuously monitor network activity, identifying abnormal behavior as soon as it occurs.

Traffic Pattern Analysis: AI learns from normal traffic patterns to detect anomalies more accurately. Machine learning

Continuous improvement: Streamcore's AI systems constantly learn from historical data and new incidents, improving the accuracy and speed of threat detection.

Dynamic adaptation: algorithms adapt to new threats and changes in network traffic behavior. Automated Responses

Rapid Response: Rapidly respond to detected threats with automatic actions that minimize impact on network infrastructure, ensuring continuous protection.

Minimize downtime: Reduce service interruptions and downtime through immediate, coordinated response to security incidents.

Service Cloud

Continuous accessibility: The solution is hosted in the cloud, ensuring constant accessibility and centralized management.

Scalability: The ability to evolve rapidly to meet your company's growing needs, with regular updates to keep you at the cutting edge of technology.

Use cases

Securing a MultisiteMobility Network

Background : A company with several sites in different countries was experiencing network security problems, with frequent threats and security incidents disrupting operations.

Challenge :
Improve network security and reduce security incidents while maintaining optimum performance for users spread over several sites.

Solution :
Streamcore deployed its AI-integrated NDR solution to monitor and secure the company's network.

The solution has enabled:

  • Monitor all network activity in real time, immediately detecting abnormal behavior and potential threats.
  • Automate responses to threats, reducing reaction time and impact on operations.
  • Analyze historical data to identify trends and improve proactive threat detection.


Reduced Security Incidents: Reduce security incidents by 50% thanks to proactive detection and rapid response.
Improved Network Performance: Optimize network performance, reducing interruptions and improving the user experience.
Operational Efficiency: Increase operational efficiency with continuous monitoring and centralized network management.
Our Benefits

Proactive Threat Detection

Accurate Identification: Use AI algorithms to identify and neutralize threats before they affect your network.
False Positive Reduction: Improve alert accuracy, reducing false alerts and enabling a more targeted response.

Automated Incident Response

Immediate reaction: React instantly to detected threats with automatic actions, minimizing the impact on your infrastructure.
Optimal coordination: Coordinated actions to manage incidents efficiently and reduce downtime.

Continuous Improvement through Machine Learning

Adaptability : AI systems are constantly improving, increasing the accuracy and effectiveness of threat detection and response.
Constantly evolving: Algorithms adapt to new threats and evolve with the changing needs of your network.

Scalable Cloud Service

Flexibility and accessibility: Take advantage of a service hosted in the cloud, offering scalability, accessibility and regular updates to keep you at the cutting edge of technology.
Centralized management: Manage your entire infrastructure centrally and efficiently.


Didier ANDRE

The subject of quality of service on the WAN has been close to my heart for many years. It's a key issue, and one that users are particularly sensitive to.

Felipe LOPEZ

Compression was very effective. Particularly on AS/400 flows, which are not compressed at all at the outset. This has enabled us to postpone any upgrades to our operator links.

Emmanuel FONTANA

For us, the decisive argument was the ability of Streamcore's solutions to process all our flows in real time.


While it is conceivable to have a degraded service on e-mail or the web, the technical constraints and requirements linked to IP telephony impose irreproachable quality of service. And this requires complete control over flows.

Stéphane MORIS

Thanks to Streamcore, we now have the technological tools to guarantee impeccable quality of service to all our members, which is our primary ambition.