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Smart Netflow Export

Netflow export from StreamGroomers (SG) can be enabled. Netflow tickets can be exported to a third-party collector in v5 format, or to the SGM or a StreamCollector (SCO) in v9 format. The latter solution has the advantage of retaining level 7 information (URL, SSL certificate, audio/video codecs, etc.), and performance metrics (application response time, MOS score, jitter, etc.) for each user session.

The features of this mechanism are as follows:

Standard compatibility
Netflow v5 format for export to a third-party collector.
Netflow v9 format for export to the MMS or a StreamCollector (an external device associated with the MMS that allows you to export more than one week's history to several sites).

Advanced export filtering mechanisms:
Sessions associated with a specific remote site.
Sessions associated with a specific application.

The advantages of using Netflow Streamcore export are
Netflow v5 format for export to a collector :

  • It's not always possible to activate Netflow on a router (liability, performance issues, etc.).
  • Advanced filtering to limit the amount of information to be exported
  • Centralized export management

Netflow v9 format for export to MMS or StreamCollector :

  • Session history integrated into the Streamcore software suite
  • Level 7 information stored per session (URL, Hostname, SSL certificate, audio/video codecs)
  • Performance indicators maintained per session (Application response time, Note MOS, jitter, delay, losses, etc.)

Single interface :

  • Management of aggregated data and details by session in a single interface, enabling data navigation (drill down)