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Alarms can be set at all levels, for network, application or VoIP/video performance. An alarm log keeps a record of all events at each site, providing the most comprehensive view possible.

These alerts help to prevent and detect any type of malfunction or abnormal behavior across the WAN (such as denial-of-service attacks or viruses), to identify and address as quickly as possible disruptions that can harm productivity and lead to significant financial losses:

  • Deterioration in the level of service offered by the operator (delays, losses, etc.)
  • Detection of an unidentified flow on an access link
  • Performance drop on a link that is undersized in relation to business application requirements
  • Server response degradation

A criticality level (info, minor, major, critical) can be used to filter the relevant alarms displayed in a log.

A selection of alarms can also be sent by e-mail to a pre-defined list of recipients, or by RSS feed and SNMP/Syslog trap.