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Solution Module

The centralization of configuration and operation operations enhances the efficiency and simplicity of operational processes. It also guarantees the reliability and standardization of application and communications management policies. In addition, statistics gathered by StreamGroomers are automatically consolidated. This global approach to performance management ensures permanent adaptability and offers optimum visibility of WAN infrastructure and application performance.

The MMS hosts a set of Web applications that enable you to configure and operate :

  • SGMconf:
    MMS system and security configuration, software updates, database management.
  • StreamView:
    Centralized management of StreamGroomers. Configure IS organization, sites, network, application or VoIP/video rules. Use real-time monitoring and troubleshooting tools.
  • StreamReport:
    Define, schedule, view and e-mail reports in PDF, HTML, CSV, XML and other formats.
  • StreamDashboard:
    Definition and generation of customized web pages for long-term reporting.
  • StreamAccess
    Flexible access rights management for efficient information sharing and customized access to different MMS applications.
  • StreamMap
    Automatic display of network, application and VoIP/video performance and usage in a dynamic map.

MMS capacity depends on the number of sites and applications to be processed (i.e., the total number of rules).

MMS can also be supplied as a VM for up to 1000 sites (virtual MMS).

An MMS redundancy solution is available to ensure high availability of management applications, with automatic replication of :

  • The configuration base,
  • Statistics database


StreamGroomers act on traffic exchanged between LAN and WAN networks: they analyze and regulate flows according to network, application, VoIP and video rules defined by the administrator.

Different models are available for central and remote sites, depending on the flow rates and quantities to be processed:


Virtual acceleration devices (SpeedServers) are used to bypass traffic in virtualized Datacenter environments. SpeedServers can be interconnected with each other or with an SG to perform acceleration.

Acceleration software (SpeedAgent) lets you take advantage of end-to-end acceleration by installing transparently on a nomadic environment (PC, tablet, smartphone) and talking to a SpeedServer virtual box or SG physical appliance.

StreamGroomersStreamCollector (SCO)StreamGroomers

The StreamCollector stores a list of user IP sessions over an extended period.

This equipment is mainly used to diagnose any previous problems encountered by a user:

  • Identify the cause of throughput saturation (virus attack, anti-virus update, etc.) at user level.
  • Identifier les communications VoIP dégradées (MOS < 3.5) sur une période antérieure d’un site précis
  • Identify user application attributes (@IP, port, URL, certificate, response time, etc.) over a specific period of one month.

StreamGroomers (SG) export IP sessions to the StreamCollector (SCO) via Netflow tickets in v9 format.

The MMS StreamView unified interface collects data from IP sessions stored on the StreamCollector and returns the information to the user.

StreamCollector capacity depends on the number of user sessions to be recorded (i.e. the number of streams per minute - fpm). Two physical devices are available:

To handle more than 10,000 users, a virtual SCO needs to be set up, with specific CPU, memory and storage resources.