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What is QoS?

Our QoS (Quality of Service) solution is the fruit of in-depth expertise in network performance management. Designed to offer flexibility and security, it reduces operational complexity while optimizing the costs associated with network connectivity. Our QoS solution gives you complete visibility of your network infrastructure, including traffic, performance and applications. You can control your network operations through an intuitive interface, facilitating centralized management of multiple sites.


How does it work?

Our QoS solution is based on advanced network management techniques that enable traffic to be prioritized according to your business needs. By analyzing data flows in real time, our system ensures that critical applications receive the bandwidth they need to function optimally, while limiting interruptions and guaranteeing stable performance.

Why QoS?

Adopting our QoS solution gives you the opportunity to maximize network performance while ensuring consistent quality of service. By prioritizing critical applications, you can ensure a smooth user experience, improve productivity and minimize downtime. What's more, increased visibility of network performance enables you to make informed decisions for ongoing improvements.

Our advantages

Traffic Prioritization

QoS enables critical applications to be prioritized, ensuring optimum performance.

Latency reduction

QoS reduces transmission delays for a better user experience.

Improving Reliability

QoS minimizes packet loss, guaranteeing reliable data transmission.

Bandwidth optimization

QoS optimizes the use of network resources, avoiding congestion.

Advanced features of our QoS Solution

At Streamcore, our Quality of Service (QoS) solution incorporates advanced features that meet the network management needs of modern businesses. Here's an overview of some of these features.

Intelligent Service Management

Our Smart Service Tree™ technology enables intuitive, structured management of network information. This includes:

Tree representation: Visualization of the organization of the information system (IS) and WAN in a hierarchical manner, from global entities down to specific applications.

Drill-Down Navigation: Easily access high-level, business-oriented views and dive into detailed technical information for precise troubleshooting.

WAN optimization

Our WAN optimization solutions are designed to enhance the user experience while reducing telecom costs:

Protocol acceleration: Analysis and optimization of network protocol message sequences to eliminate redundant requests.

Deduplication: Reduces bandwidth by eliminating redundant data sequences.

Compression: Reduction in the size of transmitted data for more efficient use of bandwidth.

Real-time monitoring and management

Performance Control: Continuous monitoring of network and application performance, with automatic adjustments based on session behavior.

Centralized management: Intuitive user interface for centralized management of multiple sites and easy updating of configurations and QoS policies.

Use cases

Teleworking and Mobility

With teleworking on the increase, efficient management of network connections is crucial. Streamcore offers :

Application Optimization: Ensures a smooth user experience even with content-intensive applications.

Security and performance: maintain connection security while optimizing performance for remote users.

Content-Rich Applications

Companies using content-rich applications, such as collaboration tools and ERP, benefit from :

Data Flow Acceleration: Optimize file transfers and application requests for increased performance.

Reduced Latency: Minimizes response times for end-users, improving productivity.


Didier ANDRE

The subject of quality of service on the WAN has been close to my heart for many years. It's a key issue, and one that users are particularly sensitive to.

Felipe LOPEZ

Compression was very effective. Particularly on AS/400 flows, which are not compressed at all at the outset. This has enabled us to postpone any upgrades to our operator links.

Emmanuel FONTANA

For us, the decisive argument was the ability of Streamcore's solutions to process all our flows in real time.


While it is conceivable to have a degraded service on e-mail or the web, the technical constraints and requirements linked to IP telephony impose irreproachable quality of service. And this requires complete control over flows.

Stéphane MORIS

Thanks to Streamcore, we now have the technological tools to guarantee impeccable quality of service to all our members, which is our primary ambition.