How it works

Product & Deployment

Streamcore provides a solution through the installation of physical or virtual boxes. In order to guide you in the best way, you will find all the information on our products to be set up to take advantage of our solution

Performance monitoring / Reporting / Proactivity

Once the installation is done and the real time monitoring is set up, discover all the alert and monitoring functionalities that you can set up:

Real Time Monitoring

Streamcore's solution will help you make your network installation almost autonomous. You will be able to see in real time what is going on, no matter where on your network, and can apply alarms or set up detailed monitoring tools.

Action & Optimization

This is where you will see what our solution is capable of. Through these three features: QoS / Acceleration / Load Balancing, you will optimize, control and accelerate your network like a child's play and with a goldsmith precision